


Brazil could easily be the sexiest country in the world. It is home to the most stunning looking people on our planet, who know how to demonstrate their handsomeness. On top of that, if that was not enough, this vast country pulls all the points on architecture, natural wonders, nightlife, music, past time, beachlife, eco tourism, you name it.

I only went to the Iguassu Falls, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia, Olinda, Sao Louis and Belem. I liked Rio for its dramatic location and relaxed atmosphere. I loved Salvador de Bahia for its colourfulness, capoeira in the streets, nightlife, unique fabric of the inhabitants and cafes. I enjoyed Olinda for its calmness. I was impressed with Sao Luis for its potential and magnificent beaches. And Belem, at the Amazon delta, was good with its attitude to turn dilapidated areas into spaces for higher class entertainment and places to visit, to save its legacy.


Brazil. Sexy.